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(c) K.Jensen 2020

2024, at 66
Copyright. KJensen2023


Updated: January 13, 2024, 44
annual predictions:
2010 - 2020 "The Decade of Struggle and Enlightenment" 
2021 The Year of 1000 scratches
2022 The Year of Change
2023 The Year of The Falling Leaves
2024 The Year of the Forest Fires
 Family Finder tested.
What you believe with your whole being becomes your reality...

This is how I teach students to deal with inbread thinkers. They are easy to see and find... they are the angry ones with no reason to be angry except for the terror of tomorrow where they see who they really have become as a human beings. For some this personal apocalypse will be an unbelievable horror. For others, the mirror of self reflection is dark and they will feel nothing in their own suffocating self reflection. For many others, the obvious path may not always be accurate and the person who joins with that understanding, they become different through the endowment of that treasured wisdom.
The solution to imbred thinking is for an individual to learn by personal experience and be quick to run from people who only listen to siloing voices depriving themselves of multifaceted understanding.  You don't have to agree but you do have to listen.

Not dead yet.
I can feel the stretching of old age. What was easy is now difficult... what was difficult has ceased to be important... what is hard is looking me straight in the eyes. 
The timer over my head has blurry numbers but single digits seem obvious to see, health is like that I suppose.
A reluctant stasis life is now the norm I guess. The only disruptions are the ones I look for and which I am willing to address. Only one or two items fall into that group and both involve family near as well as far. 
I expect this to be The Year of the Forest Fires.
This means that things will change with dramatic flair and be completely disruptive.
 But from the ashes... that may be 2025, but I am not sure. I have seen worse and better times so at least I am prepared as much as I can be with the resources at hand.
It is good to be older right now. Terrifing, oh my yes, but not debilitatingly so. For this boomer anyway, just for the simple fact that living 20 years longer is not likely...
I have faith in the Gen Z folks based upon the better ones have had in my college classes and in my personal universe. I have found them to be smart but with the old Greatest Generation mindset. I like them.
That's all I can think of tonight. The 13th of January has alkways been a good day to reflect.










  Note: I've published 3 EBooks they are currently available on Amazon Kindle in both hard copy and Ebook format. Just Google, Kevin J. Jensen Amazon books.





If you came for info on me you have it. Hope you are pleasantly surprised. My contact info is: Lost family members can always make contact, know you all have never been forgotten.  





EBooks are available on Amazon Books, author, Kevin J Jensen



Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008,2009,2010,2011,2012,2013,2014,2015,2016, 2017, 2018, 2019... etc. to infinity... and beyond, any reproduction of this material without my written consent is prohibited, believe it. Kevin J. Jensen